Best Node.js packages and Libraries

Over the last few years, the usage of Node.js has increased rapidly. There are over one million packages written in node.js available on the internet. Many of these packages can be useful and solve many problems. Along with that, it can save your time by minimizing the code you need to write. All the popular Javascript front-end frameworks like Angular, React, Vue, and all the other work with the Node.js server and you can install them from the Node package manager website.

As discussed above, there are above a million nodejs packages available right now, it might be difficult for you to pick the best ones. For that reason, we bring here the best Node.js package that will help you to develop a great product.


Express.js is the most popular Node.js framework for web development purposes. Express.js makes it easy for all the developers who are in the web development business. The express.js framework works great with all the front-end Javascript frameworks like Angular, React.js, and Vue.js. If you are developing a proper web app or a website then installing express.js can be a great option. is a great Javascript library to send real-time messages and files. makes it easy to develop such a chatting app in the least amount of time. Node.js is widely known for speed and video streaming apps around the world. With, you can also make it possible with the help of a few lines of code. Along with that, you can also use for the servers which return values multiple times in a minute. Most stock market apps use this kind of apps.


When working on the bugger apps, restarting the server every time after you make changes to the code becomes irritating. In this situation, nodemon makes it easy for you. It watches your code continuously and restarts the server when required in the least amount of time. It is a must-have if you are working on Node.js.


Bcrypt is a great way to hash passwords before saving them to the database. Brycpt is used by a lot of developers and is trusted by the community. Along with that, you can also use a binary numbering system before converting passwords into a hash. You can convert them into binary and when required, you can convert them back into the text. This also makes it easy for developers to enhance the security of an app.

Meteor JS

Meteor.js is not just a node.js package but it's a full-stack node.js framework that helps you to work on the front-end and back-end at the same time. Meteor.js makes it easy to set up the environment for the developers. Along with that, Meteor also gives options to choose your preferred frameworks like React.js, Vue.js, or Angular.


Axios is a Node.js library to send HTTP requests from that front-end to the back-end. It is a promise-based Node.js library that is useful to send request, get data, and show it to the users without reloading the whole page. A must-have if you are a full-stack developer.


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