Lantech Infocom

Mobile App Development India

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Top Mobile App Development Company India

Smartphones have changed the way humans use the internet. It has been an essential part of human lives. Lantech Infocom is a top app development company that can help you to create an app for your business.

Why Mobile Apps Are Important?

With mobile apps, you can keep your customers updated about the latest news, updates, and products. Lantech Infocom is a top app development company that has an experience of several years in this field.

Abour Our Mobile App Development Services

Android App Development

Android mobile app development is the process from which developers develop a new application for android devices. Mobile apps are written in the Java language since 2009. Apart from Java, android mobile applications can also be written in Kotlin and C++ languages using an android app development kit. We have a wasp experience of developing different android app. Our services include full-cycle development, java code audit, server-side API creation.

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IOS App Development

It does not matter if you opt for the ios mobile app development, the IOS app will work across all the Apple devices. Lantech Infocom is a top-notch app development company across India, which has a team of dedicated IOS developers who look forward to every challenge. Make your first business IOS app with cost-effective packages at the most affordable price. Contact us today for any queries.

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React-Native Development

React Native is an open-source framework developed by Facebook to empower javascript developers to use React.js components across all the platforms like web, android, and ios environment. The biggest advantage of react native is that your app will work on all smartphones including IOS and android. You just need to pay once for mobile app development and it will work across all devices. We have a dedicated team of developers who can write code in React native.

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Ionic App Development

Just like React Native, the Ionic mobile app development framework is also built to use one shared code base across the web, android, and IOS. Over the years, it has gained a lot of momentum and big companies are also preferring Ionic framework for their company's mobile app development. Along with that, simplicity is one of the biggest advantages of Ionic mobile apps. The apps built with this platform are easy to maintain and update.

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Phone Gap App Development

Phonegap is one of the oldest and widely used cross-platform technology for mobile app development. It uses Javascript, CSS, and HTML for production. Since PhoneGap is old and mature, it offers a highly robust application performance system that helps to create scalable complex mobile apps. If you are planning to develop an online eCommerce app then we would highly recommend you go with the Phonegap mobile app development framework.

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Vue-Native App Development

Vue-native is also a cross-platform app development framework. Vue-native is a new framework compared to other frameworks like PhoneGap, Ionic, React-native, and many others. With Vue native, we can use all vuejs components in the web, android, and IOS smartphone. It has a small community and there are few applications developed with this framework but the response from the users is pretty amazing. We think you should also give this framework a try as Vue.js is very successful.

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Ahmedabad, IN

Phone: +91 9426527612
