Lantech Infocom

SEO Services Ahmedabad, India

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SEO Company in Ahmedabad

Have you got a business website? Great! Our SEO services can help you to
increase business sales from the digital platform.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. We as an SEO company analyze websites
and make then search engine friendly. SEO services are required for businesses
to open a new income source from the internet.

Explore our SEO Services

Local SEO

Are you a local service provider? If yes then opting for Lantech Infocom's local SEO services is the right option for you. Our local services include creating and optimizing Google My Business listings, helping your business to rank in the Google maps, and ranking your business website in the Google for that particular region. For example, if you are a skin dermatologist in Ahmedabad then we will help you to rank in the Google Maps, SERP, and optimize your Google my business listing.

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Ecommerce SEO

SEO plays a huge role in improving sales of an Ecommerce website. We have helped various Ecommerce websites to increase revenue. By targeting revenue-oriented keywords and improving google search results, we can help you to sell products online. For example, if you are selling wholesale clothes then targeting keywords like "wholesale clothing", "buy wholesale clothes" and ranking for these keywords in Google can increase your business' revenue by a huge margin.

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Javascript SEO

Almost 58% of startups that are built with Javascript fail due to bad SEO. Javascript frameworks like Angular, Vue.js, and React.js have become very popular over the last few years. We have the expertise to make a website built with Javascript frameworks SEO friendly. We perform Server-Side rendering and pre-rendering for content rendering. Also, we take care of minify js files, including meta tags, canonical tags, rendering, XML files, and including https certificate with Let's Encrypt.

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Lets get in touch. Send us a message:

Ahmedabad, IN

Phone: +91 9426527612
