Best SEO Techniques to Rank More Keywords

There are around 168 Million domains registered around the world and billions of web pages indexed in the search engines like Google and Bing. Apart from that, many people believe, if your website is ranked on the second page of search engines then you cannot expect traffic on your website. To get the most organic traffic, you need to rank all your keywords on the first page of search engines. To get the maximum amount of traffic, you need to perform SEO techniques on the webpage code which is also known as on-page and off-page.

Before getting into on-page and off-page SEO techniques, you need to know about keywords search volume. The number of total users who search for a keyword phrase in a month is nothing but keyword search volume. Before starting a new website, you need to perform keyword search research and select those keywords which have a good amount of search volume. There is an official keyword research and analysis tool available from Google which helps you to find the search volume of different keywords.

On-page SEO

Performing various On-page SEO tasks help search engines like Google and Bing to read a particular page. The more precisely search engines read your website it becomes easier for your website to rank higher on the search engines. There are plenty of On-page SEO techniques that help search engines read your website's content easily. Below, we have listed various on-page techniques which are useful to get detailed information.

Meta Tags

Mainly meta tags are considered in two major parts namely meta description and meta title. Typically meta description consists of 160 characters and you should focus on getting your keywords in these 160 characters. While meta tiles are 60 characters long. You should include the keywords you are targeting in the meta title and description to get better rankings in the search engines.

Include H1 Tag

H1 is an HTML tag and it is as important as meta title or meta description. You should include keywords in an H1 tag just like you do in the title or description.

Add a Canonical URL

On many websites, the same page may have two or three different versions. For example, the pages & have similar content and the same code gets executed when a request for both of these pages. In this situation, search engines may penalize your website for duplicate content. In this situation, you can insert a canonical tag to each URL. So, search engines can easily differentiate between various pages.


The latest Google search updated called page experience update recommends website owners install an SSL certificate on a website. This will help website owners to rank higher in the search engines and SSL also helps you gain the trust of your website's users.

Improve page loading speed

As discussed above, Google has rolled out the page experience update and Google is going to consider the page loading speed while ranking different websites. If you want to rank higher in the search engines then you need a website that is fast when it comes to page loading speed.

So, these are the top best on-page techniques that you can consider before starting a new website.


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