Wake on LAN

Wake a system on with our tool. All you need to wake a system is nothing but a MAC address. A MAC address is represented with a hexadecimal number. It is a unique identifier assigned to each electronics system. Once you find out the MAC address, just copy it and paste it into the text box. Once copied, click on the wake on LAN button to send a magic packet to the system.


How Wake on LAN Works?

The concept of wake on LAN is widely known to start a system with the help of LAN (local area network). When you enter the MAC address of the system and click on the send button, a magic packet is sent to the destination system which makes starts it from stand by or shutdown.

Which are Wake on LAN requirements?

There are a few requirements to wake a system up. Here they are:

  • Make sure that the system is connected to the LAN(local area network) with the system from which the magic packet is being sent
  • In order to use the wake on LAN concept, you should know the mac address of the system

About MAC Address?

As discussed above, a MAC Address is nothing but the unique identifier of a system which is represented in the hexadecimal number. To find out the MAC address of your computer system,

  • Open the Command prompt
  • Type ipconfig/all
  • You shall be able to see the Physical address