Lantech Infocom

Website Development Services, Ahmedabad, India

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Top Web Development Company

Planning to take your business online? Our web development services can help you
take your business on the digital platform with ease.

How We Perform Web Development?

There are plenty of Content Management Systems and frameworks like Wordpress, React.js, Python and many more available
. We choose the best one as per your requirement.

Frameworks We Use for Web Development

Node.js Web Development

Node.js is a javascript server-side framework. It is one of the fastest frameworks among others. Node.js is used to build real-time applications, chat applications, video streaming applications. For web development, we use Express.js along with Node.js which is a framework of node.js and specially built to use node.js for web development. It is highly scalable and electrifyingly fast. If you want to develop large-scale applications then we will highly recommend you to go with Node.js and express.js.

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Vue.js is a front-end Javascript framework. This framework is new but it is highly scalable. Large websites like Gitlab, Hackernoon, behenced, and many others are using Vue.js. In the presence of giants like Angular and React, Vue.js has made its community. The biggest advantages of Vue.js are speed, size, and flexibility. The apps built with vuejs are normally less complex compared to react or angular. We use node.js & express as the back-end frameworks with Vue.js. This is called the MEVN stack.

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Angular is powered by Google and it follows a Model-view-controller pattern for web development. This framework is highly scalable and used to develop large applications. Google has used Angular in Gmail, Adsense, and Google Analytics. Apart from that, a huge amount of websites are using Angular. There are nine versions of angular are available which means it is a mature and highly scalable framework. If you want to develop software as a service or a medium to the large application then we will recommend Angular.

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React.js Development

Powered by Facebook, React.js is one of the most popular Javascript front-end frameworks in recent times. It is simpler than Angular and used to build user interfaces. The internal communication between components makes react.js simple. React.js boosts the productivity of an application and makes it easy for the developer to maintain an application. Since it is powered by Facebook, it guarantees stable code and scalability. We use Node.js and Express.js as the back-end frameworks with React.js which makes it MERN stack.

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Wordpress Web Development

Wordpress is a Content Management System. If you are planning to develop a small business website with a few pages then choosing Wordpress web development services is an ideal choice. Wordpress is also an SEO-friendly framework, so if you do not need many features and looking to develop a simple app then WordPress web development is great.

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Ahmedabad, IN

Phone: +91 9426527612
